I provide a variety of complimentary workshops and webinars to audiences on financial aid basics and how to navigate the financial side of college planning. If you are interested in having me speak at your company, firm, school, PTA, church, group or other organization, please fill out the form below to get in touch.
Employers / Organizations
The college planning and funding process is a very complex one and the resources provided by secondary schools are quite stretched. Working parents are often overwhelmed and spend hours trying to navigate the financial aid maze. Are you interested in offering a workshop(s) on college funding as a benefit to your employees?

Financial Professionals / Firms
Do your clients need assistance with college funding that extends beyond the usual savings strategy? Are you interested in scheduling a workshop for your families?

High Schools/PTA
Parents with college-bound children often don’t understand the complexities of the financial aid process. I provide one-hour presentations that cover a number of college planning and funding issues that are relevant to parents. My workshops are not commercial in nature and can serve as a compliment to the school’s commitment to helping their students pursue their higher education goals. Would you like to learn more about the workshops I offer?

Have a group?
Are you part of a parent group that meets regularly? I am happy to provide a complimentary presentation for your group of 10 or more families.

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Upcoming Events
Making College Affordable: Practical Insights and Guidance for Families
Getting into college can be complicated, and paying for it can definitely be dauting as college prices continue to rise beyond the rate of inflation. Educating yourself is one of the best ways to increase your odds of finding schools at affordable prices. In this webinar, you will learn the following:
- The importance of knowing what your Student Aid Index (SAI) is and how to obtain it
- The financial aid formula used to determine your aid eligibility
- The primary sources of financial aid
- Details about the FAFSA and CSS Profile
- How your savings and investments influence the amount of aid offered
- And more!
Learn how you can alleviate your stress by understanding the financial aid process.
Hope to see you there,
~Collegiate Financial Coach, LLC
Past events
Parents’ Guide to Financial Aid for College: What You Need to Know
Parents with college-bound children often don’t understand the complexities of the financial aid process. They can’t plan for the tuition costs effectively without the right information on what to do to get more financial aid for their children, if possible.
This webinar will cover a number of college planning and funding issues that are particularly relevant to parents, such as:
- The financial aid terms you need to know
- The types of financial aid that may be available
- How the financial aid system works
- Should you apply for financial aid or not and how to do it
- How your income and assets are assessed in the financial aid formulas (married, single, divorced or separated)
- How to create your college funding plan – it’s not too late!
Financial Aid During the Pandemic: What Parent’s Need to Know
This is a tumultuous time for everyone, including parents of teens worried about college. Today’s college-bound students have found themselves thrown into a “new normal.” So much is unknown about what will happen in the next few months, much less in the next one or two years. This uncertainty has created a tremendous amount of anxiety for both parents and teens, which makes the need for college planning more important than ever.
What are some strategies that you can use now to help alleviate some of the anxiety: 1) learn how to navigate the financial aid system and 2) put a plan in place to pay for the rising costs of college. In this webinar, we will discuss these strategies, as well as cover the following topics:
- How the Coronavirus pandemic has impacted higher education
- Financial aid form basics
- What is the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), why is it important, and how to obtain it
- How income and assets are assessed in the financial aid process
Cutting College Costs: How to Avoid Overpaying
Getting kids through elementary, middle and then high school is hard enough. You’ve been working and working, maybe saving for the eventual college tuition. Then, BOOM! Your kid is a junior or senior in college and you realize you haven’t planned enough. The costs of tuition, plus room and board, are higher than you expected. Stress increases as you receive piles of slick brochures from fancy colleges and hear your friends talk about where their kids are going.
This can lead to poor decisions, which may negatively impact your family’s financial health for years, even decades to come. This presentation will provide strategies to aid you in maximizing your financial aid eligibility and cutting college costs.
An Inside Look at Qualifying for Financial Aid
Parents with college-bound children often don’t understand the complexities of the financial aid process. They can’t plan for the tuition costs effectively without the right information on what to do to obtain financial aid for their children, if possible. In this webinar, we will discuss strategies such as 1) how to navigate the financial aid system and 2) plan for the rising costs of college.
In this webinar, the topics that I generally cover include:
- The primary sources of financial aid
- Need-based aid vs. Merit-based aid
- What is the Expected Family Contribution and how to obtain it
- What does the FAFSA and CSS Profile take into account and what do they ignore
- Understanding Student Loans
sChools and organizations
Annie Wright Schools
Eastside Catholic
Ladylike Foundation
New Roads School
Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame High School
Pacifica Christian High School
South High School
Viewpoint School